Dr. B. K. Mahapatra
Principal Scientist and Scientist in-Charge, CIFE, Kolkata
Research/Training/Extension Experience:
Gained about 25 years of experience in research, teaching/training and extension in fisheries development by virtue of serving in the KVK, Nimpith as Training Associate (Fishery) up to 27.10.1997; as Assistant Director (Research) in State Fisheries Department, Govt. of West Bengal from 28.10.1997 to 11.04.2000 and in Indian Council of Agricultural Research as Senior Scientist (Fisheries) from 12.04.2000 to 11.04.2008 and as Principal Scientist (Fisheries) continuing since 12.04.2008
A. Research Papers Published in Journal
1. Saha, D., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1990. Deformity of lip structure in the fish Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in ponds of Sunderbans with a note on its Recovery. Environment and Ecology, 8(1): 488-489.
2. Saha, D., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1990. Efficacy of Chemotherapeutic Drug Bactrim in Controlling Diseases of Cat fish in some ponds of Sundarbans. J. Freshwater Biol., 2(3): 329-334
3. Mahapatra, B.K., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1991. Human Antibiotic Drug in controlling Dropsy, Fin and Tail Rot of Carps in some ponds of Sundarbans. J. Indian Soc. Coastal Agric. Res. 9(1/2): 81-85.
4. Saha, D., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1992. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome in the Fishes of the Sundarbans, West Bengal with a note on its control. Proc. Zool. Soc., Calcutta, 45 (Suppl. A): 201-204.
5. Mahapatra, B.K., Datta, N.C., Chattopadhyay, P. and Saha, D. 1993. Adoption of Composite Fish Culture Technology by the Rural Fisherfolks of Sundarbans. J. Freshwater Biol., 5(2): 197-202.
6. Mahapatra, B.K., Pal, B.C., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1993. Variations in the Abundance of seed of Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) in the Matlah River of the Sundarbans. Environment and Ecology, 11(4): 862-867.
7. Mahapatra, B.K., Pal, B.C., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1994. 'Bundh' - an indigenous trapping system for the collection of seed of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in the Sundarbans with a note on economic return. Proc. zool. Soc., Calcutta, 47(1): 81-87.
8. Mahapatra, B.K., Chattopadhyay, P.C., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1994. Culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii with asiatic carps in the Sundarbans. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India, 26(1): 67-71.
9. Mahapatra, B.K., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1995. Destruction of shellfish and finfish seed resources of the Sundarbans, West Bengal and Suggestion for their conservation. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India, 27(1): 35-39.
10. Mahapatra, B.K., Saha, D., Chattopadhyay, P. and Datta, N.C. 1995. Bounteous potentiality of scampi seed (seed of Macrobrachium rosenbergii) resources of Sundarbans (W.B.) with a note on their cultural prospects. J. Freshwater Biol., 7(2): 137-142.
11. Mahapatra, B.K., Pal, B.C., Chattopadhyay, P., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1996. Some aspects of Biology and Fishery of Mud Crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal) with a note on its cultural prospects in the Sundarbans. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India. 38(1&2): 8-14.
12. Mahapatra, B.K., Chattopadhyay, P. and Datta, N.C. 1996. Fecundity of pond-reared giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (deMan) in the Sundarbans. J. Freshwater Biol., 8(1): 23-26.
13. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1996. Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) as Biological Agent to control molluscan population in fish culture ponds of the Sundarbans. Environment and Ecology, 14(4) : 968-972.
14. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Studies on growth of Bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson) under Indian condition. J. Freshwater Biol., 9(2): 82-85.
15. Mahapatra, B.K., Pal, B.C., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Some aspects of morphometrics of P.monodon (Fabricius). Environment and Ecology, 15(2): 346-351.
16. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Polyculture of carps and tilapia using Mystus gulio (Ham.) as a potential predator for controlling over population of tilapia. Sci. and Cult., 63(7-8) : 207-208.
17. Mahapatra, B.K., Datta, N.C., Chattopadhyay, P. and Saha, D. 1997. The scope and limitation of culturing the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) in India. Proc. Zool. Soc., Calcutta, 50(1) : 82-87.
18. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Unconventional aquatic Bioresources of West Bengal with a note on their exploitation and conservation. Proc. Zool. Soc., Calcutta, 50(1) : 69-81.
19. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1998. Length-Weight relationship of bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson). J. Inland Fish. Soc. India, 30(1) : 101-104.
20. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1999. Studies on food preference and growth performance of an exotic catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Environment and Ecology, 17(1) : 207-210.
21. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, N. C. 2002. Culture of African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) in cement cisterns. Envirment & Ecology 20 (2): 405- 408.
22. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2002. Studies on Food and Feeding Habits of Exotic Cyprinid, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson). Aquacult., 3 (1) : 65-70.
23. Ghosh, A., Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, N.C. 2002. Studies on Native Ornamental Fish of West Bengal with a Note on Their Conservation. Envirment & Ecology 20 (4): 787-793
24. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Fish biodiversity of Meghalaya with a note on their sustainable uitlization. Aquacult. 4 (1) : 1-10.
25. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Studies on native ornamental fish of Meghalaya with a note on their cultural prospects. Aquacult., 4 (2) : 171-180.
26. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2003. Relative condition factor (Kn) of the Bighead carp, Aristichys nobilis (Richardson). J. Curr. Sci. 3 (1): 111-114.
27. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Studies on the growth of stocked Indian Major Carps and their impact on fisheries in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya. Aquacult 4 (2): 247-252.
28. Mahapatra, B.K. 2003. Studies on breeding and rearing of an exotic cichlid, Pterophyllum scalare (Lichenstein) with a note on its culture prospects. J. Natcon 15 (2): 361-366.
29. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Fishery of Cyprinus carpio L. in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India, 35(1): 13-18.
30. Ghosh, A., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2003. Ornamental fish farming – Successful small aqua business in India. Aquaculture Asia 8 (3): 14-16.
31. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003.Studies on the growth of stocked Indian Major Carps and their impact on fisheries in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya. Aquacult 4(2): 247-252.
32. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Studies on fecundity of zebra danio, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton) from Meghalaya, North Eastern India. J. Curr. Sci., 5(1): 103-108.
33. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Fish Biodiversity of North Eastern India with a Note on Their Sustainable Utilisation. Environmental & Ecology. 22 (Spl-1): 56-63.
34. Majhi, S. K., Mahapatra, B.K. Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Plankton Production Using Poultry Droppings. Environmental & Ecology. 22 (Spl-1): 1-6.
35. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Ornamental fish of North Eastern India – Its distribution and conservation status. Environment & Ecology, 22(3): 674-683.
36. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Studies on chocolate mahseer, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis (Mc Clelland) fishery and the cause of its decline in Umiam reservoir, Meghalaya. J. Natcon., 16(1): 199-205.
37. Majhi, S.K., Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Studies on qualitative and quantitative plankton production using duck droppings. J. Curr. Sci., 5(1): 239-242.
38. Majhi, S.K., Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Comparative studies on qualitative and quantitative plankton production using different livestock excreta. Aquacult, 5(2): 123-131.
39. Mahapatra, B.K.Datta, N.C. 2004. Performance of Bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson) in the composite fish culture system under Indian condition. Environment & Ecology, 22(2): 409-414.
40. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K., Majhi, S.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Potentials of terrestrial weeds for the production of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.) in Meghalaya, North Eastern India. SAARC J. of Agri., 2: 211-219.
41. Majhi, S.K., Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2005. Growth performance of red tilapia through feeding different livestock excreta under mid-hill micro-situation of Meghalaya, North Eastern India. Environment & Ecology, 23(2): 277-281.
42. Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2005. Maturity of the Bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson) under Indian condition. Environment & Ecology, 23(4): 732-735.
43. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2005. Export potentiality of native ornamental fish from North Eastern Hill States of India with a note for development of such fisheries. Environment & Ecology, 23(4): 780-786.
44. Naskar, S., Mahapatra, B.K., Khan, M. H., Das, A. and Das, B.C. 2005. Eco-friendly management of Pig waste through integrated pig-fish farming. Environment & Ecology, 23S(Spl 4): 660-663.
45. Mandal, S. Datta, K.K., Mahanty, S. and Mahapatra, B. K. 2005. Risk of financing agriculture in the North-Eastern Hill Region of India with special reference to Meghalaya. Agricultural Economics Research Review. 18 (Conference No.) : 83-102.
46. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K., and Mandal, B.K. 2006. Fish Diversity of Nagaland and their conservation status. Environment & Ecology, 24 S (1): 203-207.
47. Majhi, S.K., Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2006. Nutritional status of endangered Chocolate mahseer, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis.(McClelland). Environment & Ecology, 24(3):582-585.
48. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Breeding and larval rearing of Labeo gonius (Hamilton) under mid hill altitudinal region of Meghalaya. Environment & Ecology : 25 S (1) : 98-101
49. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Native ornamental fisheries of Sikkim with its prospects and constraints. Environment & Ecology, 25 S (1) : 125-128
50. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Breeding and larval rearing of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton) under mid hill altitudinal region of Megghalaya. J. Intercad. 11(3) : 345-350.
51. Mandal, S., Mahapatra, B.K., Tripathi, A. K., Verma, M. R., Datta, K.K. and Ngachan, S.V. 2007. Agribuisness Opportunities of Ornamental Fisheries in North-Eastern Region of India. Agriculture Economics Research Review. 20 (Conference Issue): 471-488.
52. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Potential Ornamental fish biodiversity of Mizoram- Its prospects and constraints. J. Inland Fish. Soc. India. 39(2) : 10-15.
53. Mahapatra, B.K. and Vinod, K. 2009. Reproductive biology and artificial propagation of Chocolate Mahseer, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis (Mc Clelland) in Meghalaya India. Indian Journal of Fisheries (Communicated).
54. Mahapatra, B.K. and Vinod, K. Mandal S. 2011. Breeding, culture and financial feasibility of exotic ornamental Gold fish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) in northeastern region. Indian Journal of Animal Science (Submitted online).
55. Mahapatra, B. K. and Vinod K.2011. Reproductive biology and artificial propagation of chocolate mahseer Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis (Mc Clelland) in Meghalaya, India. Indian J. Fish. 58 (2): 35-40. 2011.
56. Mahapatra, B. K. and Kar,S. 2011. Erethistes nareshi, a new species of cat fish (pisces: erethistidae) from the barak river system of Assam, India. Zool.Surv.India, Calcutta, (communicated).
57. Subhendu Datta, B. K. Mahapatra and ParimalSardar (2012).Search for a Herbicide Suitable for Controlling Submerged Aquatic Weeds in Pisciculture. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh (communicated).
58. Datta, Subhendu and Mahapatra, B.K. 2012. Effect of Glyphosate and Three Types of 2, 4- D Herbicides on Floating Aquatic Weeds,Water Hyacinth and Pistia. Indian Journal of Animal Research (Communicated).
59. Devi, B. N., Krishnan, M., Venugopala, R. and Mahapatra, B.K. (2013). Artificial Neural Network Model for Synergy Analysis of Input Markets in Ornamental Fish Trade in Mumbai. Agricultural Economics Research Review. 26(1): 83-90.
60. Das, Anup; Munda, G.C.; Thakur, N.S.Azad; Lal, B.; Ghosh, P.K.; Ngachan, S.V.; Bujarbaruah, K.M.; Yadav, R.K.; Mahapatra, B.K.; Das, S.K.; Dutta, K.K.(2013). Integrated agricultural development in high-altitude tribal areas: A participatory watershed programme in the East Indian Himalaya. Outlook on Agriculture. 42(2) pp-141-144(4).
61. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, S. (2013). Production of gold fish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) in Meghalaya and its economics. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society, 45(1): 34-40
62. Pal, M., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mondal, B. (2013). Length weight relationship and condition factor of Puntius sophore (Hamilton) from Kolkata and suburban fish market. Environment & Ecology, 31(3): 1255-59.
63. Mahapatra, B. K. and Kar,S. (2013). Erethistes nareshi, a new species of cat fish (Pisces: erethistidae) from the Barak river system of Assam, India. Zool. Surv. India, Calcutta, (communicated).
B. Popular Articles
1. Mahapatra, B.K. 1993. Fish Disease, Sabuj, 3(2): 1-3.
2. Mahapatra, B.K. 1994. Prospects of Scampi Farming in Sundarbans. Sundarban Alekhya, 11(23): 11-12.
3. Mahapatra, B.K. 1996. Rangin Maachar Chaas. Saarak, 1996.
4. Mahapatra, B.K. 1997. Mithe jaler pukure pona maach o golad chingrir chaas. In : IFFCO Prashikshan o paridarshankaryachrome, 6-19 January, 1997, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nimpith : 5-6.
5. Mahapatra, B.K. 1998. Rangin maachh - Sambhabanamay Natun Diganta. Anatit.
6. Ghosh A. K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Baguli T.K. 2000. Integrated approach for enhanced fish production. In: Souvenir of State level seminar cum workshop on Integrated approach for enhanced fish production Organised by Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Tripura during 24-25th February 2000, Tripura, India, p 30-34.
7. Mahapatra, B.K., Sengupta, K.K., Dey, U.K., Rana, G.C., Dutta, A., Basu, A. and Saha, S. 2000. Controlled Breeding and Larval rearing of Clarias batrachus (Linn.) for mass scale propagation. Fishing Chimes, 19 (10&11) : 97-102.
8. Mahapatra, B.K., Ghosh, A. and Datta, N.C. 2000. Breeding and rearing of ornamental fishes, Guppy, Poecilia reticulata, Peter and Gold fish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) for prospective entrepreneurship development. Green Technology, 3: 26-33.
9. Mahapatra, B. K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B. K. 2000. Ornamental Fishery: A New Arena for R & D in the NEH Region.Agricomplex, Newsletter, 23(4) : 6
10. Shome, R., Shome, B. R., Kumar, A. Vinod, K. Mahapatra, B. K., and Mandal, B. K. 2001. Ulcerative Dropsy Syndrome in Indian Major Carp. Agricomplex Newsletter, 24(1) : 6-7.
11. Vinod, K. Mahapatra, B. K. and Mandal, B. K. 2001. Conservation of Chocolate Mahaseer -An Urgent Need. Agricomplex Newsletter, 24(1): 7
12. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Recreational Fishing In a Meghalaya Community Pond: A case study. Fishing Chimes. 23 (1): 76-77
13. Ghosh, A., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2003. Hatibagan Haat, Kolkata- The Largest Wholesale Ornamental Fish Market of Eastern India. Fishing Chimes. 23 (1): 166-168.
14. Majhi, S. K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Vinod, K. 2003. Biotechnology can Shore up blue Revolution. Fishing Chimes. 23 (9): 45-46.
15. Mahapatra, B. K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B. K. 2005. Indigenous Ornamental Fish Resources of North Eastern India. Fishing Chimes. 25 (8): 19-24
16. Mahapatra, B.K. and Vinod, K 2006. Successful breeding of indigenous magur, Clarias batrachus. Agricomplex Newsletter 29(3): 7
17. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K., and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Umiam reservoir fisheries(Eastern Himalayas) strategies for yield optimisation Fishing Chimes. 26 (10): 8-15.
18. Mahapatra, B.K. (2008). Confirmatory Diagnosis of Fish Diseases through Identification of Bacteria. In: Training Manual on Fish Microbiology and Fish Parasitology. CIFE, Kolkata Centre, Kolkata. p 29-32.
19. Mahapatra, B.K. (2009). Microbiology of Fish and Fishery Products. In: Training Manual on Fish Feed Formulation and Processing Technology. CIFE, Kolkata Centre, Kolkata. p 10-12.
20. Mahapatra, B.K. (2009). Preparation of Kurmur. In Training manual on Value Added Fishery Products. Training Manual, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 57 pp.
21. Sinha Archana and Mahapatra, B. K. 2010. Indigenous Ornamental Fish, their propagation and trade. In: Souvenir of Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Diversification of Aquaculture through locally available fish species, Organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, August 27-28, 2010, Kolkata, India, p.83-93.
22. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Breeding of Ornamental Fish. In: Training Manual on Ornamental Fish Breeding & culture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 55 to 70.
23. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Composite Fish Culture. In: Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.15 to 18.
24. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011.Breeding and Culture of Ornamental Fishes. In: Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 42 to 49.
25. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Breeding and Culture Techniques of Magur, Clarius batrachus. In: Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 33 to 37.
26. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Breeding of Ornamental Fish. In: Training Manual on Post Harvest Technology and Ornamental Fish Culture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta & Dr. G.H.Pailan). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.79 to 94.
27. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Principles & Methods of Fish Preservation In: Training Manual on Post Harvest Technology and Ornamental Fish Culture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta & Dr. G.H.Pailan). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.23 to 33.
28. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Fish harvest technology and important commercial fish species for processing In: Training Manual on Fish Processing Technology, Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta & Dr. G.H.Pailan). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 2 to 18.
29. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Breeding of Ornamental Fish. In: Training Manual on Fish Processing Technology, Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta & Dr. G.H.Pailan). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 96 to 111.
30. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Fish harvest technology and important commercial fish species for processing In: Training Manual on Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture and Post Harvest Technology (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.13to 29.
31. Mahapatra, B. K. 2011. Breeding of Ornamental Fish. In: Training Manual on Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture and Post Harvest Technology (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp. 96 to 111.
32. Mahapatra, B. K. 2012. Composite Fish Culture. In: Training Manual on Breeding and Culture of Food and Ornamental Fish (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.15 to 29.
33. Mahapatra, B. K. 2012. Breeding and Culture Techniques of Magur. In: Training Manual on Breeding and Culture of Food and Ornamental Fish (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.33 to 41.
34. Mahapatra, B. K. 2012. Breeding and Culture Ornamental Fishes. In: Training Manual on Breeding and Culture of Food and Ornamental Fish (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai. pp.42 to 49.
35. Mahapatra, B. K. 2012. Breeding and Culture Techniques of Magur. In: Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture Practices (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE, Mumbai.pp. 33 to 37.
36. Mahapatra, B. K. 2012. Integrated Fish Farming. In: Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture Practices (Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra & Dr. S. Dutta). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE,Mumbai. pp. 33 to 37.
37. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta. S. 2012. Freshwater Aquaculture in India. In: Training Manual on Fish Nutrition & Feed Formulation(Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta, Dr. G.H.Pailan, Dr. S. Munilkumar & Dr. S.K.Mishra). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE,Mumbai. pp.1 to 5.
38. Mahapatra, B. K.2012. Importance of Live Feed in Aquaculture. In: Training Manual on Fish Nutrition & Feed Formulation(Eds. Dr. B.K.Mahapatra, Dr. S. Dutta, Dr. G.H.Pailan, Dr. S. Munilkumar & Dr. S.K.Mishra). Published by Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director, CIFE,Mumbai. pp. 93 to 95.
39. Subhendu Datta and B. K. Mahapatra (2012) “CIFE KOLKATA CENTRE” p.6. published on 23rd April, 2012
40. S. Datta, B. K. Mahapatra, G. H. Pailan, S. Munilkumar and S. K. Mishra (2012). Management of Aquatic weeds. P.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 10th July, 2012.
41. G. H. Pailan, B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, S. Munilkumar and S. K. Mishra (2012). Feed for enhancement of colour of ornamental fish. P.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 10th July, 2012.
42. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, S. Munilkumar and S. K. Mishra (2012). Seed Production of Magur – Clarias magur. P.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 10th July, 2012.
43. S. Munilkumar, B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, and S. K. Mishra (2012). Application of artemia nauplii for feeding fish. P.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 10th July, 2012.
44. S. K. Mishra, B.K. Mahapatra, S. Munilkumar, G. H. Pailan, S. Datta, P.K. Behera and A. Biswas. (2012). 10th July: Special Fish Farmers Day. P.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 10th July, 2012.
45. शुभेन्दुदत्ता, बी. के. महापात्र,जी. एच. पैलान, पी. सरदार,एस. मुनीलकुमार, 2013. जलीयखरपतवारकाप्रबंधन (in Hindi), Published by the Director CIFE, Mumbai on 5th January, 2013 and released by the DG, ICAR & Secretary DARE Dr. S. Ayyapanin in the Inauguration Ceremony of the National Hindi Seminar on “भारतकेपूर्वीएवंपूर्वोत्तरराज्योंमेंप्रौद्योगिकीकेमाध्यमसेनीलीक्रांति” organized by CIFE at Kolkata on 5-6 January, 2013.
46. शुभेन्दुदत्ता, बी. के. महापात्र,जी. एच. पैलान, पी. सरदार,एस. मुनीलकुमार, 2013. कोलकाताकेन्द्र,केन्द्रीयमतिस्यकीशिक्षासंस्थान (in Hindi ), Published by the Director CIFE, Mumbai on 5th January, 2013 and released by the DG, ICAR & Secretary DARE Dr. S. Ayyapanin in the Inauguration Ceremony of the National Hindi Seminar on “भारतकेपूर्वीएवंपूर्वोत्तरराज्योंमेंप्रौद्योगिकीकेमाध्यमसेनीलीक्रांति” organized by CIFE at Kolkata on 5-6 January, 2013.
47. जी. एच.पैलान, बी. के. महापात्र,शुभेन्दुदत्ता, एस. मुनीलकुमार, पी. सरदार, 2013. ऐसेआहारजोरंगीनमछलियोकेरंगकोबढ़ातीहै(in Hindi). p.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on on 5th January, 2013 and released by the DG, ICAR & Secretary DARE Dr. S. Ayyappan in the Inauguration Ceremony of the National Hindi Seminar on “भारतकेपूर्वीएवंपूर्वोत्तरराज्योंमेंप्रौद्योगिकीकेमाध्यमसेनीलीक्रांति” organized by CIFE at Kolkata on 5-6 January, 2013.
48. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, S. Munilkumar and P. Sardar (2013). “CIFE KOLKATA CENTRE” p.6. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on January, 2013.
C. Book
i) Books authored
1. S. Barat and B.K. Mahapatra, 2007. FISHERIES TECHNOLOGY – Fresh Water Culture Fisheries and Economics.
ii) Books/Conference Proceeding/Training Manual edited
1. Sinha Archana, Mahapatra B.K. and Datta, S. (eds.) 2010. Book of Abstract on Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Diversification of Aquaculture through locally available fish species (DALAF-2010), Organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, August 27-28, 2010, Kolkata, India
2. Sinha Archana, Mahapatra B.K., Datta, S., Pailan, G.H. and Sardar, P. (eds.) 2010. Souvenir of Golden Jubilee National Seminar on Diversification of Aquaculture through locally available fish species (DALAF-2010), Organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, August 27-28, 2010, Kolkata, India.
3. Sinha Archana, Datta Subhendu and Mahapatra, B.K. (eds.) (2012). Diversification in Aquaculture. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 1-397
4. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds) 2011. Training Manual on Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture. Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 158pp.
5. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds), 2011. Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture, , Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 96pp.
6. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta, S. and Pailan, G. H. (Eds), 2011 Training Manual on Post-Harvest Technology and Ornamental Fish Culture, , , Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 156pp.
7. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta, S. and Pailan, G. H. (Eds), 2011. Training Manual on Fish Processing Technology, Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture, ,Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 173pp.
8. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta, S. and Pailan, G. H. (Eds), 2011. Training Manual on Carp Breeding and Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture, Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 154pp.
9. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds), 2011. Training Manual on Ornamental Fish Breeding & Culture and Post Harvest Technology, , Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 179pp.
10. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds), 2012. Training Manual on Breeding and Culture of Food and Ornamental Fish, , Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 96pp.
11. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds), 2012. Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture, Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 96pp.
12. Mahapatra, B. K., Pailan, G. H., Munil Kumar, S., Datta, S. and Mishra, S. K. (Eds) 2012. Training Manual on Fish Nutrition and Feed Formulation, Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 96pp.
13. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta, S., Pailan, G. H., Munil Kumar, S.,. and Mishra, S. K. (Eds) 2012. Training Manual on Recent Advances in Aquaculture Technologies, Central Institute of Fisheries Education Kolkata Centre, Salt Lake, Kolkata, 103pp.
14. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, S. Munilkumar and S. K. Mishra (Eds.). 2012. Training manual on “Freshwater Aquaculture”. p.97, published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 8th Sept, 2012.
15. Mahapatra, B. K. and Datta, S. (Eds.) 2012. Training Manual on “Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture”, Organized by The Marine Products Export Development Authority, Kolkata Regional Office and Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, 30-31 August, 2012, Kolkata, p.99, published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 30th August, 2012.
16. Mahapatra, B. K., Datta, S., Mishra, S. K., Pailan, G. H. and Munilkumar, S. 2012. Training Manual For MPEDA Sponsored Basic Training Programme on “Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture”, Organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre and The Marine Products Export Development Authority, Kolkata Regional Office and October 08-12, 2012, Kolkata, p.103, published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 12th Oct, 2012.
17. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, S. Munilkumar and S. K. Mishra (2012). Training manual on “Recent Advances in Aquaculture Technologies”. P.104. published by the Director, CIFE, Mumbai on 30th July, 2012.
18. B. K. Mahapatra, G. H. Pailan, Subhendu Datta, P. Sardar and S. Munilkumar, 2012. Training Manual on Fish Processing and Value Added Fish Products, Published on 26th November 2012 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, pp. 118.
19. B. K. Mahapatra, Subhendu Datta, S. Munilkumar, P. Sardar and G. H. Pailan, 2012. Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture” Published on 22 December, 2012 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, pp. 103.
20. B. K. Mahapatra, P. Sardar, S. Munilkumar, G. H. Pailan and Subhendu Datta, 2012. Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture, published on 18 January, 2013 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, pp. 102.
21. S. Munilkumar, P. Sardar, G. H. Pailan, S. Datta and B. K. Mahapatra (Eds.), 2013. Training Manual on Fish Nutrition & Feeding Strategies. Published on 24th January 2013 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, pp. 141.
22. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Munilkumar, Subhendu Datta, P. Sardar and G. H. Pailan, 2013. Training Manual on Freshwater Aquaculture” Published on 15th February, 2013 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, pp. 100.
23. B. K. Mahapatra and Subhendu Datta (Compilation & Editing) “Mitha Jale Machh Chash” (in Bengali). Published on 23 Feb, 2013 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, 87pp.
24. B. K. Mahapatra, S. Datta, G. H. Pailan, P. Sardar and G. H. Munilkumar (Eds.) 2013. मीठापानीमेंमछलीपालन (in Hindi), Published on 8 March, 2013 by Director CIFE, Mumbai, 60pp.
D. Book Chapters
1. Mandal, B.K., Ghosh, S.K., Lipton, A.P., Nayak, P.K., Azad, I.S., Madhu, K., Balasundari, S., Fernandes, C.H., Margaret, A., Suresh, V.R., Santhosh, B., Vinod, K. and Mahapatra, B.K. 2001. Prospects of Fish Farming. In: Steps Towards Modernization of Agriculture in NEH Region. (Eds. N.D.Verma & B.P. Bhatt). Published by the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya : 325-343.
2. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2002. Composite fish culture in hills. In: Integrated Watershed Management for Sustainable Development. (Eds. K.K. Satapathy and K.K. Dutta). Published by the ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, pp. 217-220.
3. Mahapatra, B.K., Ghosh, A. and Datta, N.C. 2003. Scope of Indigenous ornamental fishery trade in eastern and north eastern India. In: Welfare Boilogy in the New Millenium. (Eds. D.Kar, S.C.Dey & N.C. Datta). Published by the Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. pp.87-91.
4. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2004. Studies on Reproductive Biology of a Native Ornamental Fish, Brachydanio rerio from NEH Region. In: Current Issues in Environmental and Fish Biology (Eds. S. Bhattacharya and S.K. Maitra). Published by the Daya Publishing House, Delhi. pp. 173 to 179.
5. Ghosh, A., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 2004. Reproductive Biology of an Exotic Ornamental Cichlid, Apistogramma ramirezi Myers And Harry. In: Current Issues in Environmental and Fish Biology (Eds. S. Bhattacharya and S.K. Maitra). Published by the Daya Publishing House, Delhi. pp. 211 to 216.
6. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2006. Agro-aquaculture – The best option for integrated rural development in the North Eastern Hill states. In: Agro-forestry in North-East India: Opportunities and Challenges. (Eds. B.P. Bhatt and K.M.Bujarbaruah). Published by ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya, pp. 571-580.
7. Mahapatra, B.K. and Vinod, K. 2007. Integrated Livestock-Fish Culture: Suitable Option to Enhance Income From Unit Land. In: Complementary Role of Livestock and Fisheries Towards Sustainable Farming in North East India (Eds. A. Das, A. Kumaresan, R.K. Bordoli, K.M. Bujarbaruah and S. Naskar). Published by the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya, pp. 59-72.
8. Mahapatra, B.K. 2007. Ornamental Fish Culture: A Diversification in Crop Livestock System. In: Complementary Role of Livestock and Fisheries Towards Sustainable Farming in North East India (Eds. A. Das, A. Kumaresan, R.K. Bordoli, K.M. Bujarbaruah and S. Naskar). Published by the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Meghalaya, pp. 210-221.
9. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2007. Inland Indigenous Ornamental Fish Germplasm of North Eastern India : Status and Future Strategies. In: Biodiversity and its Significance (Eds. P. Tandon, Y. P. Abrol and S. Kumaria). I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 134-149.
10. Mahapatra, B.K. (2008). Biodiversity status of fresh water fishes of North Eastern Himalaya with special reference to threats and conservation measures. In: Zoological Research in Human Welfare. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, 2008, viii, 484 p., Paper-18: 191-202.
11. Mandal, S. and Mahapatra, B.K. (2008). Opportunities of Ornamental Fisheries for Livelihood Improvement in the North East Region of India. In: Agriculture based Livelihood Promotion. The Livelihood School, Hyderabad. Chapter-5: 61-72.
12. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2009. Ornamental Fisheries in North-Eastern India and Strategies for Conservation. In: Fish Genetic Resources (eds.) W.S.Lakra, A.K.Singh and P.C.Mahanta. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi p. 127-138.
13. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mahanta, P C. 2010. Socio economic study on fisher-folk community of southern Assa and Mizoram: the data base for policy implication and management. In: Coldwater Fisheries Management (eds.) P.C.Mahanta and Debojit Sharma. Directorate of Cold Water Fisheries Research (Indian Council of Agricultural Research). Bhimtal – 263 136, Dist: Nainital (Uttarakhand), India, p.407-420.
14. Sinha Archana and Mahapatra, B.K. (2012).Ornamental Fish, their Propagation and Trade. In: Diversification in Aquaculture (eds.) Archana Sinha, Subhendu Datta and B.K. Mahapatra. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 103-115.
15. B.K. Mahapatra and K. Vinod (2012). Umium Reservoir Fisheries- Its Present Status and Future Need for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. In: Diversification in Aquaculture (eds.) Archana Sinha, Subhendu Datta and B.K. Mahapatra. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 151-162.
16. B.K. Mahapatra and K. Vinod (2012). Reproductive Biology and Artificial Propagation of Chocolate Mahseer, Neolissocheilus hexagonolepis (McClelland) in Meghalaya. In: Diversification in Aquaculture (eds.) Archana Sinha, Subhendu Datta and B.K. Mahapatra. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 265-274.
17. B.K. Mahapatra and K. Vinod (2012). Evaluation of Fishery and Socio-economic profile of fisherman along the rivers Katakhal, Pola and Dholeshawri of Hailkandi District of Southern Assam In: Diversification in Aquaculture (eds.) Archana Sinha, Subhendu Datta and B.K. Mahapatra. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 351-361.
18. Datta Subhendu, Sahani Uday, Parimal Sardar and B.K. Mahapatra (2012). Options Available for Controlling Submerged Aquatic Weeds In India In: Diversification in Aquaculture (eds.) Archana Sinha, Subhendu Datta and B.K. Mahapatra. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi-110006 p. 329-339.
E. Research Papers published in Proceedings of Seminars etc.
1. Ghosh, A.K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Baguli, T.K. 1996. Impact of shell and fin fish diseases in brackishwater impoundments of West Bengal with emphasis on prawn diseases and its prophylaxis. National workshop on fish and prawn disease epizootics and quarantine adoption in India. October 9, 1996, CICFRI, Barrackpore : 40-50.
2. Mahapatra, B.K., Chattopadhyay, P., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1996. Information generation of fish and prawn disease in Sundarbans and preventive measures developed through scientist-farmer linkage. National Workshop on fish and prawn disease epizootics and quarantine adoption in India. October 9, 1996, CICFRI, Barrackpore : 77-86.
3. Mahapatra, B.K., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Area specific technology modification with exotic fish under Sundarbans micro situation, p 235-238. In: K.K.Vass and M.Sinha (eds), Changing Perspectives of Inland Fisheries. Proceedings of the National Seminar, March 16-17, 1997. Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore.
4. Saha, D., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C. 1997. Impact of aquaculture on Environment and Socioeconomic profile of the Sundarbans and Vice-versa, p239-243. Changing Perspectives of Inland Fisheries. Proceedings of the National Seminar, March 16-17, 1997. Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore.
5. Datta, N.C., Baguli, T.K. and Mahapatra, B.K. 1999. Crab fishery resource in the coastal districts of West Bengal with special reference to cultural alekhya. Page 93-101In: M. sinha, Dhirendra Kumar and P.K.Katiha (eds). Eco-friendly Management of Resources for Doubling Fish Production-Strategies for 21st Century. Proceedings of the National Seminar. December 22-23, 1999. Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore.
6. Mahapatra, B.K., Dutta, A., Basu, A., Dey, U.K. and Sengupta, K.K. 1999. Observations on the spawning and rearing of angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare (Lichenstein). Page 102-106 In: M. sinha, Dhirendra Kumar and P.K.Katiha (eds). Eco-friendly Management of Resources for Doubling Fish Production-Strategies for 21st Century. Proceedings of the National Seminar. December 22-23, 1999. Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore.
7. Mahapatra, B.K., Chattopadhyay, P., Saha, D. and Datta, N.C. 1999. Declining trend in the abundance of seeds of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) in the Sundarbans with suggestions for its restoration. William Roxburgh Memorial Seminar on Sundarbans Mangals, 8-10 November, 1996, Kolkata : 532-538.
8. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Fisheries in North East India and norms for sustainable development – An evaluation. Proc. Approaches for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Hill and Mountain Ecosystem (Eds. B.P.Bhatt, K.M.Bujarbaruah, Y.P.Sharma and Patiram), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, pp.387-396.
9. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Scope of ornamental fishery in Meghalaya. Proc. Approaches for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Hill and Mountain Ecosystem (Eds. B.P.Bhatt, K.M.Bujarbaruah, Y.P.Sharma and Patiram), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, pp. 397-401.
10. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Prospects of Puntius (Barbs) in North Eastern Hill Region with reference to export potentiality in ornamental fish trade. Proc. Participatory Approach for Fish Biodiversity Conservation in North East India (Eds. P.C.Mahanta and L.K. Tyagi), National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, pp. 214-224.
11. Vinod, K., Mahapatra, B.K. and Mandal, B.K. 2003. Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton) and Danio dangila (Hamilton) – Promising species for ornamental fisheries in Meghalaya. Proc. Participatory Approach for Fish Biodiversity Conservation in North East India (Eds. P.C.Mahanta and L.K. Tyagi), National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, pp. 225-230.
12. Mahapatra, B.K., Vinod, K. and Mandal, B.K. 2005. Studies on native ornamental loaches of NEH states with a note on their conservation. Proc. Aquatic Resource Management (Eds. K.K. Vass, S.A.H. Abidi and Late V.P. Agarwall), National Research Centre on Coldwater Fisheries, Bhimtal, pp. 155-163.