Dr. B. K. Mahapatra
Principal Scientist and Scientist in-Charge, CIFE, Kolkata
Address: Panchpota, Garia, Kolakta - 700152, West Bengal, India
Professional Address: Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre.
32 G N Block, Sector - V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091
E-mail: bkmahapatra2007@yahoo.co.in
Phone: +91-9836849332
(O) 0332357 5269

Professional info
I'm Principal Scientist and Scientist-in-Charge at ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education an University under sec. 3 of UGC Act. Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
Nature of work: Research, Training and Extension
Work experience
Job position.
May, 2011 - present
Pr. Scientist & Scientist-in-ChargePr. Scientist & Scientist-in-Charge,
Central Institute of Fisheries Education
(Deemed University)
Kolkata Centre
Job position.
2007 - May, 2011
Sr. Scientist and Pr. Scientist (Fish & Fisheries Sciences)
Central Institute of Fisheries Education
(Deemed University)
Kolkata Centre
Job position.
2000 - 2007
Sr. Scientist (Fisheries)
ICAR Res. Complex, Barapani, Meghalaya
Job position.
1997 - 2000
Assistant Director of Fishery (Research)
Freshwater Fisheries Research Stn., Kulia, W.B.
Department of Fisheries, Govt. of W.B.
Job position.
1988 - 1997
Training Associate (Fishery)
R.K.Ashram KVK, Nimpith, SunderbansW.B.
Fish Breeding
Fish Culture
Early development of Fish
2010 - present
2010 - present
i) Fellowship-Fellow of Zoogical Society of India [F.Z.S.I.] in 23rd November, 2013.
ii) ZSI Gold Medal for the year 2012-2013 on 3rd October, 2012 for outstanding research & Academic contribution in the field of fisheries.
iii) Fellow of Inland Fisheries Society of India [F.I.F.S.I]
iv) Fellow of Zoological Society [F.Z.S.(Cal.)] for year 2007
v) Dr. R.T. DOSHI Award for the year 2005
vi) D.N. Ganguly Memorial Medal for the year 1987-1988.
vii) Rajnarayan Memorial Medal for the year 1978.

Academic record:
Examination passed Subjects Main/Subsidiary Year of Passing University/Institution
B.Sc. Hons. (3 years) Zoology Hons. 1984 University of Calcutta
M.Sc. Zoology (specialization in Fisheries) 1986 University of Calcutta
Ph.D. Zoology (Fish biology and Aquaculture) 1996 University of Calcutta